5.1 |Taking a Quiz | Itinerary
About This Module
This module guides you to the steps needed to turn in quizzes and surveys your instructor assigns to you. Quizzes have many different question types. You are able to go to a specific question type to learn more how to answer the question and enter your answer into Canvas (sorry we cannot give the answer!).
After completing this module, you will be able to understand:
- How to find a quiz you need to complete
- Locked Quizzes
- Quiz details
- Quiz due dates and timed quizzes
- Quiz tools
- How to submit a quiz
- How to view your results and feedback
- How to retake a quiz
If you complete all of the module requirements, you can collect the São Paulo, Brazil Passport Stamp.
São Paulo, Brazil office includes meeting rooms that are named with different dance styles from Latin America: Forró, Samba, Salsa, Capoeira, Gafieira, and Tango.