1.4 | Rearranging and Changing Course Card Colors

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About Rearranging and Changing Course Card Colors

Your Dashboard is customizable allowing you to choose a nickname and color for each of your Courses Cards. This color matches the course color in the Calendar.  You can order Course Cards using drag and drop. 


Moving a Course Card Using Drag and Drop

animation of the process outlined below


      1. To move a course card to a new location, click on the course card.
      2. Click and hold your mouse, drag the Course Card to the desired location on the Dashboard and drop it by releasing your mouse. 


Changing the Color of Your Course Cards

animation of the process outlined below


      1. To change the color of a course card select more options from the Course Card. 
      2. Select an available color or type a hex color code into the field. 
      3. Click the 'Apply' button to view the changes.

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