5.4 | Locked Quizzes

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About Locked Quizzes

Quizzes may be locked to limit how or when you can access. If you open a quiz that is locked, a notice in the quiz details window will give you instructions on when or how you will need to access the quiz. Below are examples of the common types of locked quizzes.


Quizzes Locked by Password

screenshot of the process outlined below


A quiz may require an access code, which is like a password. Once you have the password, enter the password in the box using the correct capitalization and spaces and select the "Submit" button.


Quizzes Locked Until a Certain Date and Time

screenshot of the process outlined below


Some of your quizzes may be locked to you until you complete another assignment or until a certain date and time have passed.


Quizzes Locked by Location

Some quizzes can only be opened in a certain room of your school. When this happens, be sure you open the quiz in the correct location. Ask your instructor where you should take the quiz if that information is not provided in the quiz instructions.

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